Minnie and Gooch walking the heifers along Bauers Jed pushing up lambs for drafting Bauers Tilly on the training sheep. Jed going to block a breakaway lamb Bauers Tilly Gooch and Sweep helping in the yards at shearing time. Gooch moving the Heifers. Beacons Rees Bauers Minnie at 6 months old. Jamie teaching Minnie to back sheep. Woollys Cap at 12 weeks old, full brother to Gooch. Woollys Gooch at 6 months old. Mist brining in the training sheep. Minnie at a training school. Mist, Henti and Sweep watching the action. Gooch and Rees showing there jumping skills. Minnie putting sheep through a gateway. Minnie at the same gateway. Gooch having a 5 min break. Putting the sheep through a crossing with Gooch and Minnie. Gooch and Minnie driving the sheep along the creek until I could cross. Going through a crossing on the way too the shearing shed. Gooch bringing the tail along. Nearly through the crossing. Bill putting the last one through the gate..